by Chris Baylis | Apr 17, 2020 | News
Organizations often limit their sponsorship marketing opportunities to the events they hold throughout the year. However, events and conferences are very costly, especially new events that have yet to establish their usefulness in an industry. If you are looking to...
by Chris Baylis | Apr 17, 2020 | Cause Marketing Basics, Cause Sponsorship, News, Non-Profit Sponsorship
Before you dive in, if you are interested in charity sponsorship, check out these titles in our “sponsorship for charities” series: Resource Page for Charity Sponsorship Cause Marketing versus Corporate Sponsorship 7 More Sponsorship Mistakes Charities Should Avoid...
by Chris Baylis | Apr 16, 2020 | News
Corporate Philanthropy is one of those terms that sounds much more complicated than it actually is. The Business Dictionary defines corporate philanthropy as: “The charitable donations of profits and resources given by corporations to nonprofit organizations....
by Chris Baylis | Apr 16, 2020 | Cause Marketing Basics, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sponsorship for Major Gift Officers
Before you dive in, if you are interested in charity sponsorship, check out these titles in our “sponsorship for charities” series: Resource Page for Charity Sponsorship Corporate Social Responsibility: A User’s Guide for Nonprofits Charity Sponsorship Mistakes...
by Chris Baylis | Apr 9, 2020 | News
Did you know that Forbes reported that some $68 billion will be invested in sponsorships? While big brands make up a huge portion of this astronomical figure, this doesn’t mean small businesses shouldn’t turn to a sponsorship program. Rather, it shows how...
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