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Why Nobody Cares about Logo Placement in Sponsorship

Why Nobody Cares about Logo Placement in Sponsorship

In this world, you don’t get something for nothing. That goes for sponsorship as well. In exchange for funding your event, the sponsor gets…what? I know what you’re going to say: logos. It’s easy to fall into the trap that logos are the be-all, end-all of sponsorship,...
What NOT to Do with Your Sponsorship Program

What NOT to Do with Your Sponsorship Program

Recently, I published a post on how to sabotage a sponsorship program. I did that in the hopes that you’ll see it’s sometimes easier to make mistakes with your sponsorships than you might have thought. Today, I want to discuss more no-nos of sponsorship that I didn’t...
How to Sell Virtual Sponsorship to a Skeptic

How to Sell Virtual Sponsorship to a Skeptic

We’re living in an age right now where it’s virtual sponsorship or no sponsorship. Even once the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us and we can reconvene with regular society, virtual sponsorships are still likely to be around. How do you sell the idea to a skeptical...