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Simple Tactics for More Sponsorship Sales

Simple Tactics for More Sponsorship Sales

I love a good read, don’t you?  One of the books on my 2021 reading list was The 4 Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals by Jim Huling, Sean Covey, and Chris McChesney. I got a lot out of it, and I think you would too if you gave it a read....
Sponsorship Sales Meeting Strategy

Sponsorship Sales Meeting Strategy

Although it took a few games of phone tag to coordinate a time when you could both talk, you finally got on the phone with your target sponsor. Even better is they agreed to your request for a meeting! This is what all your hard work, research, and preparation have...
Sponsorship vs. Partnership 

Sponsorship vs. Partnership 

You know the classic line that goes “I say to-may-to and you say to-mah-to,” right? Usually, when someone utters this phrase, it’s to argue over semantics.  Sometimes there truly are two ways of saying the same thing, such as “last stop” versus “destination.” Or...