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Audience Data in Sponsorship Sales 

Audience Data in Sponsorship Sales 

There’s one mistake I see sponsorship seekers make that can kill their sponsorship programs dead.  They don’t have any audience data. Zero. Zilch. Nothing.  Not a chart, not even basic segments.  In today’s post, I want to explain why that’s such a fatal flaw in your...
Common Sponsorship Sales Objectives 

Common Sponsorship Sales Objectives 

It doesn’t matter if it’s in our personal or professional lives (or even both): rejection hurts. It’s not a great feeling to be told no, but do you know what’s even worse? Being misled and given a vague answer.  As I’m sure you can imagine, I have heard every...
Sponsorship Moves Management System 

Sponsorship Moves Management System 

Like on the dancefloor, in sponsorship, having the right moves is everything. Unlike dancing, in which you’re allowed to freestyle, successful sponsorship requires following a set number of steps or moves that progress your prospects through your sponsorship pipeline....
The 11 Stages of the Sponsorship Journey 

The 11 Stages of the Sponsorship Journey 

What does your sponsorship journey look like? Without a documented methodology for how you get from Point A to Point B, your company or organization is forced to start from zero with each new sponsorship prospect.  This can create stress where there doesn’t have...
My Opportunity Is Different 

My Opportunity Is Different 

Besides “gold, silver, bronze package,” perhaps no other words in sponsorship are a red flag more than “my opportunity is different.” If you’ve been around the block enough times in sponsorship like I have, then you’ve heard somebody say this. Maybe you were even the...