January 2024’s Coolest Activations – Inspiration for Ideation
As 2024 continues chugging along, events haven’t slowed down one bit. Almost all events are back to being in person unless companies have developed a preference for hybrid or entirely virtual events. Do you have an event, program, or opportunity on the horizon but...
Biggest Sponsorship Industry Trends for 2024
With the end of the year comes one of my favorite times. The time to reflect and predict what could be waiting around the corner in sponsorship. While these are by no means spoilers, judging by the current industry landscape and my wealth of knowledge and experience...
The Top Sponsorship Lessons for 2023
Whew, what a year it’s been! The Sponsorship Collective continues growing by leaps and bounds, as does the sponsorship market as a whole. As we gear up to leave another year behind, there is no better time than now to assess what we learned this year and how we can...
Title Sponsorship: What to Include?
Title sponsorship isn’t a topic I’ve delved into often on the blog, and today, I want to change that. After all, some of you reading this right now might have a title sponsorship on the horizon and feel uncertain about how to navigate it. I’m here to help! This guide...
9 Things Everyone Hates About Sponsorship
Here at the Sponsorship Collective, I’m a big fan of sponsorship. If you’ve made it to this page, I’d assume you’d have probably guessed that. But I recognize that not everyone feels as strongly as me about it; not even close. So, what ranks highest among the duties...
Prospecting for Sponsorships: 5 Strategies to Maximize Your Success
One of the first sponsorship topics I discuss with clients of The Sponsorship Collective is prospecting. Many don’t understand what prospecting is, and others have no idea how to do it properly. They can already start their sponsorship properties on a sour note, as if...
The Festival Sponsorship Trap: Are You Guilty of These Mistakes?
Before you dive in, if you are interested in festival sponsorship, check out these titles in our “sponsorship for festivals” series: Resource Page for Festival and Event Sponsorship Sponsorship for Festivals: What You Need to Know For Your Event to Be a Hit Building...
Creating Win-Win Sponsorships for Your Podcast
Before you dive in, if you are interested in podcast sponsorship, check out these titles in our “sponsorship for podcasters” series: Resource Page for Podcast and Influencer Sponsorship The Complete Guide to Podcast Sponsorship How to Market Your Podcast Cold Email...
Exploring the Different Types of Sponsorship in Motorsport
Before you dive in, if you are interested in motorsport sponsorship, check out these titles in our “sponsorship for motorsport” series: Resource Page for Motorsport Sponsorship Companies Who Sponsor Motorsport: From NASCAR to Motocross and Everything in Between How to...