8 Cool Event Marketing and Sponsorship Activation Ideas
I’ve heard it – heck, I’ve said it! Event sponsorship is boring! There are only so many things you can sponsor, so many ideas, so many ways to reorder an event sponsorship proposal. Today’s post is focused on some of the cool event marketing and sponsorship activation ideas that I’ve seen recently.
5 Networking Tips for Better Corporate Partnerships
This week I’ve invited my friend and networking genius Paul Nazareth to share some networking strategies with you! Paul has worked on both sides of the table, for sponsorship seekers and corporate grant makers, and knows what he is talking about.
23 Articles and Blogs on Fundraising Event Ideas and Sponsorship
Events! We all run them, whether it’s a fundraising event, conference, meeting or gala…if you work in the not for profit sector, events are a mainstay. Not everybody likes events but since they are here to stay, if you’re going to run them you might as well use them to raise loads of sponsorship dollars […]
Fundraising vs Sponsorship! Here are the 4 Things I’ve Learned
This post flows nicely from last week’s post about the differences between Individual Giving and the Sponsorship sales process. In that post I argue that the two worlds are different, very different, but that the best fundraisers have the transferable skills needed to make it work. This week I caught up with Maeve Strathy (yes THAT […]
Fundraising Standoff: Sponsorship vs Individual Giving
This post is meant as a primer for major gift fundraisers who find themselves involved in sponsorship and asking themselves how to get sponsors. That said, I think this will also be useful to the full service fundraising professional as well as the Executive Director who is occasionally asked to join in sponsorship meetings or who […]
Fundraising Event Ideas: Sponsorship Followup
Welcome to part two of my series all about sponsorship and events. By now you have realized that this series is not about how to close sponsorship leading up to an event, for that you will want to head to my series focused on cause marketing essentials. For an even quicker overview, have a look […]
Fundraising Event Ideas: Sponsorship
I was inspired to write this series focused on fundraising event sponsorship after working on an incredibly successful gala last week. It was my organization’s fourteenth annual event and saw double-digit sponsorship revenue growth for the second year in a row.
The Sponsorship Journey Infographic
The sponsorship process can seem complicated and intimidating and so I’ve created this infographic to help simplify things. Check it out and click on on each step of the Sponsorship Journey for some tips related to that topic.
Sponsorship and Corporate Philanthropy Ethics
Sponsors you select to partner with contribute to the success of your events and shape the perception of attendees or spectators. Given the rise of ethical consumerism, brands featured on your sponsorship list can be either your strongest asset or your weakest point. At the core of ethical marketing lies transparency and honesty. Consumers become […]