April 2024’s Awesome Sponsorship Activations
Welcome! If you’re reading this, it’s officially May, which means we’re nearly midway through the year already. The sponsorship activations are heating up, which leaves me with the itch to share some of the most inspiring examples that occurred throughout April. After...
How to Price Sponsorship Packages
Pricing sponsorship packages is a challenge many face. After all, the stakes are high. Setting the price too low risks leaving money on the table and undervaluing your brand. Set it too high, chances are you might scare away potential sponsors. I'm here to tell you...
A-Z Guide: Glossary of Key Definitions in Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
Before you dive in, if you are interested in sport sponsorship, check out these titles in our “sponsorship for sports” series: Resource Page for Sport and Athlete Sponsorship How to Write a Sports Sponsorship Proposal Why is Sponsorship Important in Sport? The...
How to Build Sponsor Relationships and Find Sponsors for Events
There is a surprisingly common trope in the sponsorship community in which it is presumed that having the right connections is the only thing you need to find sponsors for events. While that may have been true decades ago, it certainly isn't today. Far from it,...
Sponsorship Activation, It’s Easier Than You Think
After taking the time to dream up assets and then painstakingly valuing and sorting them into properties, you might be feeling creatively spent. That’s not unfair, as valuation is one of the trickiest parts of the sponsorship process. Take some time to recharge your creative batteries, because activation is a must-have component of your sponsorship […]
Creative Sponsorship Ideas For Your Next Event
Sponsorship is the lifeblood of many events. It allows organizers to deliver a richer experience for attendees while offsetting costs. But with a saturated sponsorship market, how do you stand out and attract the right partners? The answer lies in creativity. By...
How to Get Event Sponsors With Compelling Sponsorship Proposal
Are you seeking event sponsorship for your next project? Securing the necessary support can be difficult for many people, possibly even a little intimidating. After all, your entire project hinges on creating a great proposal - without one, there will be no event...
My Beef With Sponsorship Brokerage
I get asked to sell sponsorship for clients in exchange for a percentage of the total sponsorship sales made (otherwise known as sponsorship brokerage). I get asked this a lot. My answer is always a polite but firm no. Do you want me at the table with you to help with negotiations? Sure! But definitely […]
Sponsorship Case Study: FOCUS
Today’s post is a case study in sponsorship that proves the value of good guidance in your sponsorship program. I’ll tell you all about Morgan, a client of mine at the Sponsorship Collective. When she began with us, she had around $350,000 in sponsorship...