by Chris Baylis | Jul 17, 2024 | Sponsor Summit, Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Recruiting, Sponsorship Sales
Let me start by saying that I hate the term “sponsor summit.” When people hear it they think of a hugely expensive, over the top, highly formal, high-pressure sales event. Sponsor summits are NEVER high-pressure sales events and they are only as formal as you want...
by Chris Baylis | Jul 3, 2024 | Sponsorship, Sponsorship Fulfillment, Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Recruiting
I know what you’re thinking “another post about how we should stop using the term ‘sponsor’ in favor of something like ‘partner.’” Nope. In fact, there is no word for “sponsors” because sponsors simply don’t exist. Wait…what? Let’s start with the working definition of...
by Chris Baylis | Jun 26, 2024 | Sponsorship, Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Recruiting
How many prospects can you reasonably handle in your pipeline without running out of time to treat them all properly? 150? 250? What if I could offer you 394 warm prospects? And what if I could offer it to you…for free? I know what you’re thinking: anyone can download...
by Chris Baylis | Jun 11, 2024 | Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Recruiting
One of the main reasons people reach out to sponsorship consultants like myself is for help with prospecting. I can completely understand that, as figuring out who to contact and where to start can be quite difficult to determine, especially for first-time sponsorship...
by Chris Baylis | Jun 11, 2024 | Asset Valuation, Sponsorship, Sponsorship Inventory, Sponsorship Prospecting
If you want to stop having your emails deleted, phone calls ignored and proposal thrown in the shredder it is essential that you get started in gathering data on your audience immediately. There is a gap in approach and knowledge between brands and sponsorship...
by Chris Baylis | Jun 4, 2024 | Discovery Sessions, Event Sponsorship, How To Ask For Sponsorship, Sponsorship, Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Recruiting, Sponsorship Sales
Asking For Sponsorship Is Easy! As Long As You Don’t Ask For Money (Yet!) Prospecting is arguably the most important part of the sponsorship sales process. It is through the process of discovery meetings, geared towards information gathering rather than sales, that...
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