by Chris Baylis | Jul 17, 2024 | Sponsor Summit, Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Recruiting, Sponsorship Sales
Let me start by saying that I hate the term “sponsor summit.” When people hear it they think of a hugely expensive, over the top, highly formal, high-pressure sales event. Sponsor summits are NEVER high-pressure sales events and they are only as formal as you want...
by Chris Baylis | Jun 4, 2024 | Discovery Sessions, Event Sponsorship, How To Ask For Sponsorship, Sponsorship, Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Recruiting, Sponsorship Sales
Asking For Sponsorship Is Easy! As Long As You Don’t Ask For Money (Yet!) Prospecting is arguably the most important part of the sponsorship sales process. It is through the process of discovery meetings, geared towards information gathering rather than sales, that...
by Chris Baylis | May 7, 2024 | Asset Development, Asset Valuation, Cause Sponsorship, Sponsor Summit, Sponsorship, Sponsorship Activation, Sponsorship Fulfillment, Sponsorship Inventory, Sponsorship Packages, Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Recruiting, Sponsorship Sales, Sponsorship Valuation
Our sector has an outright obsession with the sponsorship package! Of course, sponsorship packages have their place and play a role in sponsorship sales, and I’ve written about the subject extensively here. If you find yourself focused on building the perfect...
by Chris Baylis | Apr 24, 2024 | Corporate Sponsorship, Sponsorship, Sponsorship Recruiting, Sponsorship Sales
Representing sponsorship within your organization can be an exciting, rewarding and sometimes challenging role. You need to be creative to build beneficial partnerships that balance the objectives of your organization with those of your sponsors and external partners....
by Chris Baylis | Apr 24, 2024 | Sponsorship, Sponsorship Sales
I am writing this post for two audiences. The first is the hiring manager looking to retain sponsorship talent. The second is to the sponsorship sales professional, looking for work in the field (whether new or experienced). There are some damaging approaches and...
by Chris Baylis | Apr 17, 2024 | Corporate Sponsorship, Sponsorship, Sponsorship Prospecting, Sponsorship Sales
If I had a dollar for every time I heard a fundraiser complain about their board of directors…or a board of directors complain about their fundraiser, I’d be a very rich man! Every single problem that I see stems from a lack of understanding of the sponsorship...
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