by Chris Baylis | Jun 22, 2020 | Uncategorized
We hear this question a lot. “I keep getting sent to the online form…what should I do?” The question refers to those online forms that companies have on their website for you to complete to apply for sponsorship. The question is, should you fill it out. The answer...
by Chris Baylis | Feb 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
We all know what makes a rights holder ready for sponsorship in their own eyes- they need money! But we all know that the needs of the property are largely irrelevant in the eyes of sponsors. So what makes a property “sponsorship ready” in the eyes of a...
by Chris Baylis | Sep 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
Last week we looked at the first head of the hydra that can be corporate sponsorship in our sector. This week, we’ll look at vanquishing those other two heads, and set you on course to be a hero in your organization of Herculean status. The Second Head:...
by Chris Baylis | Sep 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
This two-part blog post series goes out to my warrior-friends in the non-profits and charities who identify as “small shops”. These organizations are typically under $500,000 in yearly revenue, and cringe at the thought of taking on additional tasks that will...
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