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Download your free copy of the Tactical Guide to Charity Sponsorship, a no frills users guide to sponsorship sales. This user’s manual contains all of the templates and checklists needed for the charity serious about growing their sponsorship revenue.


Download our latest industry research into charity sponsorship  trends, realities, and best practices. In this report we have interviewed charities and nonprofit properties across North America to bring you the most up to the minute data from the frontlines of the industry.

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Blog Posts

A Tale of Two Cause Marketing Campaigns

A Tale of Two Cause Marketing Campaigns

Cause marketing is a great way to raise money for a cause and build brand recognition, for both the charity and corporate entity. These cause marketing campaigns typically involve a cashier asking customers for a donation for a specific cause at checkout. Often, paper “pinups” accompany these types of cause marketing campaigns, marking each customer’s donation […]

Cause Marketing for the Small Shop

Cause Marketing for the Small Shop

In part one of this series “Sponsorship and Cause Marketing: Common Mistakes” we took a look at sponsorship and some of the things holding back the small shop in that area. In this article, we are going to turn our attention to cause related marketing for the small shop.

Engaging your Board in Fundraising and Sponsorship

Engaging your Board in Fundraising and Sponsorship

This post is aimed primarily at the charity and non profit. For my private sector and sports team readers…next week we will be back at it with some tricks of the trade for you. This one’s for the charities! Thanks to my good friend Mena Gainpaulsingh of Purposeful Fundraising Inc. for guest posting and sharing her expertise!

Networking Strategies that Drive Sponsorship Success

Networking Strategies that Drive Sponsorship Success

I am asked constantly how to find sponsorship prospects, how to find the right people and how to get prospects to take a call or meeting. My answer is to go back to the principles of sales. People buy from people! Cold calls have a terrible success rate and leading with the sponsorship package is […]

How to Get Sponsorship: Steps to Success

How to Get Sponsorship: Steps to Success

Sponsorship can seem complex and even random at times- sometimes technique A works, other times, technique B does the trick and sometimes, seemingly for months on end, nothing seems to work at all! There is, however, a way to change the odds, and it is surprisingly formulaic. If you want to know how to get sponsorship […]

Sponsorship Surveys Don’t Work (and other lies we tell ourselves)

Sponsorship Surveys Don’t Work (and other lies we tell ourselves)

Surveys are a very important part of your sponsorship program. Every organization should be surveying their attendees and their database if they want to grow (or maintain) their sponsorship program. I talk a lot about the power of audience data and cover the importance of surveys in all of my in person and online training […]

Sponsorship Case Study: FOCUS 

Sponsorship Case Study: FOCUS 

Today’s post is a case study in sponsorship that proves the value of good guidance in your sponsorship program.  I’ll tell you all about Morgan, a client of mine at the Sponsorship Collective. When she began with us, she had around $350,000 in sponsorship...

Video series

How to Start a Sponsorship Program for Your Non Profit

Case Study: Charity Sponsorship Best Practices

Charity Sponsorship Mistakes

Sponsorship and Donuts

Relationship Building in Sponsorship

Sponsorship VS. Partnership

Why You Should Avoid Tiered Level Sponsorship

Finding High Value Sponsorship Opportunity

Things Sponsors Say, “We Don’t Do Sponsorship.”